Wednesday 4 September 2019

How To Be A Responsible Netizen

What is a netizen?
 The term netizen is a portmanteau of the words Internet and citizen, as in a "citizen of the net" or "net citizen." It describes a person actively involved in online communities or the Internet in general.

Here are 6 ways to be a responsible netizen...

1. Be aware of what you post online. 
Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram are just some of the social networking sites people can join and use. It may seem to be a great way to drop off frustrations and may be fun to use, but make sure to do it responsibly. Before posting online, ask yourself if what is the tone of your post like? Is it true? Does it cause harm to someone else? Or is it worth sharing? Remember that everything you post online can put you at risk or can harm someone else. So, be a smart netizen.

2. Be careful of what you say. 

Be attentive to the fact that you won’t appear rude, insensitive, arrogant, or sly. A hastily written bad comment can cause future embarrassment and remains there forever. Hence, be polite and be more mature when interacting with your friends, followers and audience on social media.

3. Do not engage in cyberbullying and other internet crimes. 

It’s okay to act cool in social media, but getting involved in serious crimes like cyberbullying or stealing someone’s identity is not good. Never criticize a particular person without knowing the real reason behind the issue.

4. Recognize and respect diversity. 

When you are interacting with people online, it also means that you are talking to people with different cultures, behaviors, and perspectives in life. Thus, it is important to understand and respect the opinions of others, especially in the virtual world.

5. Be a human. 

It can be easy to forget that you are talking to real people and not computers when you’re behind the screen. So always remember that there is another person on the other side. They also have feelings so be careful what you say, don’t be judgmental, and respect each others point of view.

6. Credit the source when reposting. 

Always credit the creator when sharing someone else’s words, pictures, or other forms of intellectual property.  This is a sign of respect and honor to the person who made it.

These are some tips or ways to be a responsible netizen. Always keep in mind that every little thing that you do reflects who you are as a person. :)


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